Lunbei Girls Baseball Classroom ~ Let the children believe that they can do it!

On 8/25, 8/26 of this year

Good Deeds Advances Gender Equality Through Sports Empowerment

Let children gain self-affirmation from sports and believe that they can do it!

We leased a professional grade Douliu baseball field

Hang the kids' jerseys one by one in the pro baseball dugout

Design exclusive "No. 10" jersey

Take a Personal Player Card

Bless every child to become their own captain

The concept of planning flatness is integrated into the activity of breaking through the level

Build Confidence with Baseball Catching

And let each child recite the declaration together

Turn the oath paper into a dream paper airplane at the graduation ceremony

Transform beautiful experience into soaring power

This event specially invites those who have been supported by the Association for a long time

Beitou junior high school women's softball players serve as the gatekeeper and team assistant

we saw

When providing children with "independent individual respect" and opportunities to lead

the support they receive

That translates into strength for these kids to continue helping others

If you would like to go forward with us

Donations can be made to support us:

012 Taipei Fubon Bank Anhe Branch

Account number-00715-120-010220

Account Name-Corporate Legal Person Taiwan Sports Good Deeds Association

Let us have the energy to use sports to empower more children

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